Tuesday, July 19, 2016


So.. I have been interning for 6 weeks now and all I can say that what a tiring life. Looking at my fellow consultants in the company constantly making phone calls, coming in and leaving the office at unequal times, it feels like being a consultant is not as relaxing as I thought. To be honest, I reckon that I am capable of taking up a role of a consultant in the near future, however, I doubt that I would want to sacrifice so much of my time dealing with such straining and hectic matters. Oh well.. maybe it's just due to the current company's clients being so slow-paced and shitty, the consultants have to be extra persuasive to obtain data from their HR group. Government agencies.. tsk.

I can only say this for now, "Intern life is fun, but working life is tough", and this all starts with the sleep schedule. I value my sleep a lot, and require the optimum 8 hours of sleep to be at my best. Currently, I can't say that I have that amount of luxury to sleep that long.. hmm.. I think I am averaging about 6 hours right now? Obviously, the easiest solution to this is to sleep early.. but well, at this age, throwing myself at the bed any time before 12 seems like an impossible task.

There're just so many things I want to enjoy this summer, but I just do not have sufficient time for everything. However, up til now, I have gotta admit that this summer break has been very worthwhile in comparison to my last one. The year before, I literally did nothing basically, spending most of the time at home folding clothes, playing games.. it was totally a waste of youth.

So coming back to my further plans in the UK.. I guess it's about time to start traveling around heavily. Not sure whether that I would able to find people to do that together though.., and I am likely to be too timid to go bag packing alone. Why? My ridiculously poor sense of direction is the main reason. Parahippocampal area, an area in the brain containing neurons for spatial location. The size of that region and its amount of cerebral fluid  determines an individual's spatial memory capability. My mom also has a very bad sense of directions and I might have prolly inherited this. So, what does it feel like to be someone who has a very bad sense of direction? Just imagine yourself driving, you would read the landmarks, look at the road signs, and be very aware of the surroundings right? For me, all I see is a straight road with nothing around. Unless I have driven the same path repetitively, the effort to recall and backtrack the roads I have taken will be futile.

That's how bad it is.


Hmm.. updating my blog in the office is kinda fun. My work-life balance is kind of screwed up right now. One day, I would have an extreme amount of work and on the other, I would have no work at all. Well, having to work is better than not working, at least I wouldn't doze off in the office... which I reckon my colleagues have seen me done it a few times already.

Sorry not sorry though. xd

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