Friday, June 22, 2012


It's not the first time I felt anti-social in class..
Sometimes I just don't know where to go and who to talk to..
Sometimes plain emptiness just dawn on me.. confining my mind.

Sigh.. I need someone to talk to, someone to throw my feelings at.
And so I did.

Few months back, there was this special moment I had with Pei Jean.. which was the Keng Sam Si session. Back then, it was kinda cool, as we often cut classes and hid at the corner of the corridor just to share our thoughts and secrets as a form 4 teenager. Since the start of the year, we didn't really talk much anymore. Until the Wednesday before.. I saw her reading a book, a novel which the line was in vertical positioning. The cover mentioned something about.. "Stay happy" kind of stuffs.

"What are you reading?" That was how I started a conversation with her. And we ended up strolling down the memory lane.. and some moment of truth. Then Bra, came in.. and there were more moment of truth. Glad everyone there was able to share it out truthfully.. and sincerely. We all realized that, we matured incredibly fast.. and the past that we shaped had been long forgotten, like piece of unwanted, immature piece of memories. Well maybe I will keep some of them for life though.

You know.. My tuition teacher trashed and rejected my essay with a disgraceful tone in the class. It left me on the verge of tears, knowing that the effort and time and thoughts that I poured into my piece of work belonged in the dumpster. Argh.. now I have to crack my head to mould another piece of work - with the chance of getting the same treatment.

Strong and blur appearance outside..
Weak and focus inside..

How much can you see?

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