Friday, November 11, 2011

It Ends.

F4 Life. Officially ended.

Mixed feelings.. :X Having heart attack basically the whole day. Well, attempted a card trick today but failed with the whole crowd staring at my hands. Woi.. Pei He Yi Xia larh. o_o Spamming '0s' the whole way today.. everybody gets some tight hand smacking.

Got my report card today.. And swoosh.. for the first time got into the Top 10. Felt like a black horse back then.. I believed none had actually expected my name to be in there due to my dilly-dally appearance. Somehow, still, I didn't manage to impress my dad, although he keeps mocking me saying that I will NEVER EVER get good results. Fuck it. Imma chase him to get me my new laptop soon.

Aww.. Didn't manage to hug you today..
Arghhh.. Sob Sob.. ><
Managed to walk you out to the bus stop.. and somehow I get a goodbye slap..o.o
And I actually smiled after that.. x)

Thanks for making my F4 life a enjoyable one, Kyan.. :)

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